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Re: [std-proposals] Std-Proposals Digest, Vol 64, Issue 47 M.C.A. (Marco) Devillers (2024-07-17 12:19:34)

[std-proposals] Save Cascading Free of Smart Pointers M.C.A. (Marco) Devillers (2024-07-16 21:13:20)

[std-proposals] auto[] Данил Сидорук (2024-07-16 09:38:19)

[std-proposals] Fwd: On ergonomics of std::optional::or_else Maxim Yanchenko (2024-07-15 16:30:53)

[std-proposals] Generalizing std::uninitialized_fill Giuseppe D'Angelo (2024-07-13 11:51:16)

[std-proposals] Bug Report Faheem Mohd Parray (2024-07-12 06:34:12)

[std-proposals] Stop gap required for NRVO until Anton's paper is assimilated Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-07-11 08:49:11)

[std-proposals] Caching the offset for dynamic_cast Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-07-10 22:13:57)

[std-proposals] template params of a function template organicoman (2024-07-10 16:39:19)

[std-proposals] ABI Hans (2024-07-08 15:12:34)

[std-proposals] Downcasting without Sidecasting Phil Endecott (2024-07-04 17:53:37)

[std-proposals] std::atomic::wait_and_write_back/wait_and_exchange 李 秋逸 (2024-07-03 21:24:09)

[std-proposals] "Class invariants and contract checking philosophy" esa.pulkkinen_at (2024-07-03 14:35:20)

[std-proposals] Selectively pluck from header files Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-07-03 09:56:13)

Re: [std-proposals] Freestanding std modules pifminns deettnta (2024-07-02 05:48:28)

Re: [std-proposals] Freestanding std modules F. v.S. (2024-07-02 09:24:59)

Re: [std-proposals] std::elide Avi Kivity (2024-07-01 13:48:03)

Last message date: 2024-07-17 21:07:48