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Re: [std-proposals] Freestanding std modules

From: Tiago Freire <tmiguelf_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 08:20:56 +0000
1. WG21 is not a person or a shadowee organization, it's a group of individuals who decided to volunteer their time for FREE, in order to improve something.

2. Talking is cheap, but actually doing something is what matters. If you are unhappy with something then you should get involved to change it, write a paper, attend meetings, come up with a better approach and explain why yours is better.
Do not just sit around waiting for others to do the work for you. I don't have a problem, why should I care about that you are unhappy? You don't pay me wages.
Put in the effort!

3. The standards committee only defines how source code should look like, not how machine (or intermediary) code should look like. If you have an issue with generated code, you are at the wrong place, you should complain to your compiler vendor.

4. Compilers are free to discard what isn't used, that doesn't change with modules.

5. It doesn't matter if a symbol is made visible trough a module or a header file, use multiple ones and it's a ODR violation regardless.

6. object files and static library files are not machine code.

7. You should read the manual of your compiler, don't complain that it did the wrong thing when you used the wrong flags. It looks more like a skill issue rather than there being anything wrong with the language or the compiler.

From: Std-Proposals <std-proposals-bounces_at_[hidden]> on behalf of pifminns deettnta via Std-Proposals <std-proposals_at_[hidden]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 7:48:43 AM
To: std-proposals_at_lists.isocpp.org <std-proposals_at_[hidden]>
Cc: pifminns deettnta <tstndeemkssz_at_[hidden]>
Subject: Re: [std-proposals] Freestanding std modules

LOL. It is a real discussion, LOL. If WG21 knows what real discussion is, they won't add bs like C++ format, for example, that keeps changing its interface with every C++ standard. WG21 is woke. GO WOKE GO BROKE.

You still do not explain how

inline void foo() noexcept

export module bar;
export inline void foo() noexcept;

Import bar;
Int main()
     foo(); //which foo()? The foo in the header or the foo in the module?

could work?

For example, I have a class or function implementation in this "someheader" how does the compiler know which one to use? You literally breaks header only libraries.

Some people have reported in the reddit 2 days ago. They found that

import std;
#include <vector> //or any other header does not work.

Unless you fix the symbol conflict issues I mentioned, you just break existing code that is using headers.

What I proposed is that the inline keyword should extend to classes and everything so that the compiler is allowed to discard definitions freely and keep only one copy of them, just like the inline keyword does to translation units. This would prevent ODR violations. Discard duplicates.

.o file absolutely bloats, which is why glibc and many other C libraries are so bloated. libcs like musl literally HAVE TO put every single function into different translation units to avoid bloat. How is that not an issue?

Compiler Explorer - C++ (x86-64 gcc (trunk))<https://godbolt.org/z/db5snsb3K>
void foo() { } inline void bar() { } void baz() { bar(); }
Even people use foo() function. The compiler still emits dead code of foo. To say it does not bloat which is laughable. Inline keyword becomes the meaning of "preventing compiler emits dead function" for GCC and clang in reality.

I try this #include<iostream>


int main()

      .file "hello.cc"
      .globl _ZSt21ios_base_library_initv
      .section .text.startup,"x"
      .p2align 4
      .globl main
      .def  main; .scl  2;    .type 32;   .endef
      .seh_proc main
      subq $40, %rsp
      .seh_stackalloc  40
      call  __main
      xorl  %eax, %eax
      addq  $40, %rsp
      .def  __main;     .scl  2;    .type 32;   .endef
      .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 15.0.0 20240629 (experimental)"
The GCC compiler still emits .globl _ZSt21ios_base_library_initv

g++ -o hello hello.cc -static-libstdc++ -s -flto
The binary size is 926kb

Without #include<iostream>

The binary size is only 17.5kb.

How is that not an issue?

For the freestanding part, unlike Rust, it has a no_std one. C++ does not have that module. It does not have std.fundamental, as the proposal asked. By the way, the freestanding headers may work differently than the non-freestanding version unless you provide something like an inline class to force the discard of the same class for the ODR violations as today's inline does. It does not work out. Building a freestanding toolchain does not work out. GNU libstdc++ requires you to always provide libc for most of its targets even you pass --disable-hosted-libstdcxx since it does not pass sanity check. Libc++ completely ignores freestanding. Linux kernel drivers require you to use hosted x86_64-linux-gnu toolchain to build kernel modules. Same with windows mingw-w64 crts. Unless you fix the symbol conflict issues i mentioned, you just break existing code that are using headers.

Do you really want to promote the unhinged rant of an abusive troll who
attacks, harasses, and wishes death on the people trying to improve C++?
What is his "concern"? He's added a #error to his project nobody uses so
that if you use a compiler that supports C++20 modules you can't use his
code. How is that reasonable?

LOL. My library does not work when someone uses a module. Of course, I have to block the feature to prevent issues. If someone wants to use it, they HAVE to disable the module to work correctly because the C++ standard does not solve the problem of ODR violation here. Every compiler has a toggle to disable the C++ module, just like people disable exceptions and RTTI. What's the problem?

Also why do you care a library you think nobody uses? Did I even ask you to use it? Why do you even care?

Received on 2024-07-02 08:21:04