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Re: [std-proposals] Freestanding std modules

From: Marcin Jaczewski <marcinjaczewski86_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 10:22:36 +0200
wt., 2 lip 2024 o 07:48 pifminns deettnta via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> napisaƂ(a):

> LOL. It is a real discussion, LOL. If WG21 knows what real discussion is,
> they won't add bs like C++ format, for example, that keeps changing its
> interface with every C++ standard. WG21 is woke. GO WOKE GO BROKE.
> You still do not explain how
> someheader.hpp
> inline void foo() noexcept
> {
> //dosomethingheader
> }
> bar.cppm
> module;
> #include<someheader.hpp>
> export module bar;
> export inline void foo() noexcept;
> main.cpp
> Import bar;
> #include<someheader.hpp>
> Int main()
> {
> foo(); //which foo()? The foo in the header or the foo in the
> module?
> }
> could work?
> For example, I have a class or function implementation in this
> "someheader" how does the compiler know which one to use? You literally
> breaks header only libraries.
Do you test it on the compiler or you guess? I tried to be cheratible but
now it looks
like you are criticizing your imagination of modules, not real
implementation of the standard.
As far as I know in this case both should have the same name mangling and
should not matter what was chosen.

> Some people have reported in the reddit 2 days ago. They found that
> import std;
> #include <vector> //or any other header does not work.
As far I know you simply need a swap order to make it work.

> Unless you fix the symbol conflict issues I mentioned, you just break
> existing code that is using headers.
> What I proposed is that the inline keyword should extend to classes and
> everything so that the compiler is allowed to discard definitions freely
> and keep only one copy of them, just like the inline keyword does to
> translation units. This would prevent ODR violations. Discard duplicates.
> .o file absolutely bloats, which is why glibc and many other C libraries
> are so bloated. libcs like musl literally HAVE TO put every single function
> into different translation units to avoid bloat. How is that not an issue?
> https://godbolt.org/z/db5snsb3K
> <https://godbolt.org/z/db5snsb3K>
> Compiler Explorer - C++ (x86-64 gcc (trunk))
> <https://godbolt.org/z/db5snsb3K>
> void foo() { } inline void bar() { } void baz() { bar(); }
> godbolt.org
> Even people use foo() function. The compiler still emits dead code of foo.
> To say it does not bloat which is laughable. Inline keyword becomes the
> meaning of "preventing compiler emits dead function" for GCC and clang in
> reality.
> I try this #include<iostream>
> #include<iostream>

And where are modules??? Did you even read this discussion? How much blot
has MSVC? Zero.
Please test first the thing that you are criticizing.

> int main()
> {
> }
> .file "hello.cc"
> .text
> /APP
> .globl _ZSt21ios_base_library_initv
> .section .text.startup,"x"
> .p2align 4
> .globl main
> .def main; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef
> .seh_proc main
> main:
> .LFB2258:
> subq $40, %rsp
> .seh_stackalloc 40
> .seh_endprologue
> call __main
> xorl %eax, %eax
> addq $40, %rsp
> ret
> .seh_endproc
> .def __main; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef
> .ident "GCC: (GNU) 15.0.0 20240629 (experimental)"
> The GCC compiler still emits .globl _ZSt21ios_base_library_initv
> g++ -o hello hello.cc -static-libstdc++ -s -flto
> The binary size is 926kb
> Without #include<iostream>
> The binary size is only 17.5kb.
> How is that not an issue?
> For the freestanding part, unlike Rust, it has a no_std one. C++ does not
> have that module. It does not have std.fundamental, as the proposal asked.
> By the way, the freestanding headers may work differently than the
> non-freestanding version unless you provide something like an inline class
> to force the discard of the same class for the ODR violations as today's
> inline does. It does not work out. Building a freestanding toolchain does
> not work out. GNU libstdc++ requires you to always provide libc for most of
> its targets even you pass --disable-hosted-libstdcxx since it does not pass
> sanity check. Libc++ completely ignores freestanding. Linux kernel drivers
> require you to use hosted x86_64-linux-gnu toolchain to build kernel
> modules. Same with windows mingw-w64 crts. Unless you fix the symbol
> conflict issues i mentioned, you just break existing code that are using
> headers.
> Do you really want to promote the unhinged rant of an abusive troll who
> attacks, harasses, and wishes death on the people trying to improve C++?
> What is his "concern"? He's added a #error to his project nobody uses so
> that if you use a compiler that supports C++20 modules you can't use his
> code. How is that reasonable?
> LOL. My library does not work when someone uses a module. Of course, I
> have to block the feature to prevent issues. If someone wants to use it,
> they HAVE to disable the module to work correctly because the C++ standard
> does not solve the problem of ODR violation here. Every compiler has a
> toggle to disable the C++ module, just like people disable exceptions and
> RTTI. What's the problem?
> Also why do you care a library you think nobody uses? Did I even ask you
> to use it? Why do you even care?

What problem make it a module? Besides, will there be multiple years before
anyone will use the `std` module and you stop people today from using new
Where is loginc in this? Could you better ask compiler vendors to add some
tools to detect corner cases and prevent

> --
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Received on 2024-07-02 08:22:48