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Re: [std-proposals] ABI

From: Hans <hguijtra_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 22:14:15 +0200
On 11/07/2024 22:09, Thiago Macieira via Std-Proposals wrote:
> On Thursday 11 July 2024 09:08:15 GMT-7 Hans via Std-Proposals wrote:
>> Unlike std::string,
>> std::stable::string has a fixed ABI, and because of that, it can talk to
>> distinct implementations of std::string.
> But why would I need that? What's the need that using std::stable::string will
> solve for me?

It lets you distribute libraries in binary format without having to
install a specific compiler(/standard library) version, and without
having to compile with specific compiler flags. And vice versa: it lets
you use libraries from other people that you only have in binary format.

Hans Guijt

Received on 2024-07-11 20:14:17