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[std-proposals] std::atomic::wait_and_write_back/wait_and_exchange

From: 李 秋逸 <QiuyiLi1023_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 21:24:09 +0000
Hello everyone! I just come up with a small idea about std::atomic. I don't know whether it is useful enough, but I found that it can certainlly improve the performance of std::binary_semaphore in MSVC STL.

I think std::atomic<T> could provide a member function whose declaration is `T wait_and_write_back(T old,std::memory_order<http://zh.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order> order =
                      std::memory_order::seq_cst)noexcept`. This member function will use exchange to write old​ into the inner atomic memory, then compare old​ with the return value of exchange. If equal, it will block, or else, it will return.

The impl of std::atomic<T>::wait() in MSVC STL is here.

 void wait(const _TVal _Expected, const memory_order _Order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept {
     _STD _Atomic_wait_direct(this, _STD _Atomic_reinterpret_as<char>(_Expected), _Order);
void _Atomic_wait_direct(
    const _Atomic_storage<_Ty>* const _This, _Value_type _Expected_bytes, const memory_order _Order) noexcept {
    const auto _Storage_ptr = _STD addressof(_This->_Storage);
    for (;;) {
        const _Value_type _Observed_bytes = _STD _Atomic_reinterpret_as<_Value_type>(_This->load(_Order));
        if (_Expected_bytes != _Observed_bytes) {

        ::__std_atomic_wait_direct(_Storage_ptr, &_Expected_bytes, sizeof(_Value_type), __std_atomic_wait_no_timeout);

Then is the impl of wait_and_write_back, just change a little.

T wait(const _TVal _Expected, const memory_order _Order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept {
    return _STD _Atomic_wait_and_write_back(this, _STD _Atomic_reinterpret_as<char>(_Expected), _Order);
T _Atomic_wait_and_write_back(
    const _Atomic_storage<_Ty>* const _This, _Value_type _Expected_bytes, const memory_order _Order) noexcept {
    const auto _Storage_ptr = _STD addressof(_This->_Storage);
    for (;;) {
        const _Value_type _Observed_bytes = _STD _Atomic_reinterpret_as<_Value_type>(_This->exchange(_Order));
        if (_Expected_bytes != _Observed_bytes) {
            return _Observed_bytes;

        ::__std_atomic_wait_direct(_Storage_ptr, &_Expected_bytes, sizeof(_Value_type), __std_atomic_wait_no_timeout);

Here is why it can improve the performance of std::binary_semaphore. In fact, is the performance of std::binary_semaphore::acquire()

Here is the impl in MSVC STL:

//The only data member of std::binary_semaphore is atomic<unsigned char> _Counter
void acquire() noexcept /* strengthened */ {
    for (;;) {
        unsigned char _Prev = _Counter.exchange(0);
        if (_Prev == 1) {
        _Counter.wait(0, memory_order_relaxed);

It will change to

void acquire() noexcept

Observely, there is less atomic calling and if​ in the function body of acquire.

Received on 2024-07-03 21:24:15