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Re: [std-proposals] ABI

From: Arthur O'Dwyer <arthur.j.odwyer_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 15:02:36 -0400
On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 2:01 PM Hans via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> On 14/07/2024 01:10, Thiago Macieira via Std-Proposals wrote:
> > You're asking that the Standard Library add a new set of classes that
> promises
> > stability. But you have not provided any evidence or method by which
> such new
> > classes would be more stable than the current classes are right now and
> have
> > been for two decades.
> Existing classes are defacto stable: not because they are defined to be
> stable, but because we decided changing them would be worse than leaving
> them as-is. Using such a class in a public interface works...
> sometimes... and could conceivably stop working tomorrow, because no
> guarantee of it remaining stable indefinitely was ever provided.
> The proposed stable classes aren't stable thanks to any deep magic in
> their implementation, but because the standard formally declares them to
> be stable (and provides the conditions for making that happen). You can
> use them in a public interface, and code written a century from now will
> still correctly interoperate with it.

> [...] If I switch msvc build mode from
> release to debug, sizeof (std::string) changes from 32 bytes to 40
> bytes. [...] there is no agreement
> between compilers on what an std::string looks like, see
> https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20240510-00/?p=109742

[...] std::string
> could probably do better on all platforms (by leveraging more space for
> the SSO buffer).

So, what would your `std::stable::string` actually look like? Would it "do
better" by using more space for the SSO buffer? Would it try to futureproof
itself by *not* using an SSO buffer at all?
Would it be guaranteed to have the same ABI on both Clang and GCC, both
libc++ and libstdc++? Or would it still be incompatible between those two?
Certainly it *must* be incompatible between libraries built with the
Itanium ABI and libraries built with the MS ABI, because they don't even
agree on which register to pass the `this` pointer in. Which is rather
important, for a type with a non-trivial destructor (which needs a `this`

I think all of the hypothetical advantages of a `std::stable::string` could
equally well be achieved with a `hans::stable::string`. You could write
that class, put it up on GitHub (or whatever), and promise never to change
its ABI ever. (Plus whatever other promises you think `std::stable` should
provide.) Then, if people believe your promise — for the sake of argument
let's assume that they will believe it — then they should be willing to use
your type in their library ABIs.
I think actually trying this exercise will cause you to discover some
practical difficulties with it.

It's a first basic attempt at defining what the requirements on stable
> types would be, and I acknowledge that it requires refinement. I
> deferred that work because it is a lot of effort, and I wanted to make
> sure it would be necessary before committing to it.

I think writing your own `hans::stable::string` would help to refine your
ideas. Writing *forces* you to think about considerations that might
otherwise be handwaved or not-even-realized.

> > In the std::stable namespace section, you say "committee-supplied ABI"
> but
> > that's woefully short of details. Is it just a description of the class
> layout
> > in the form of a C structure (and hence the "standard layout"
> requirement from
> > above")? If so, say so. For me, ABI implies much more, including the
> size and
> > alignment of types, which the committee could never provide for all
> possible
> > target architectures.
> It's in the form of a C structure. The ABI that you talk about here is
> the platform ABI, which is out of scope for both this paper and the
> standard, for the reason that you give.

Surely the ABI of a C++ type also includes how it's passed to functions and
returned from functions. (Itanium calls that its "triviality for purposes
of calls.")
ABI is much much more than just its memory footprint.


Received on 2024-07-17 19:02:51