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Re: [std-proposals] auto[]

From: Данил Сидорук <danilsidoruknv_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 01:14:58 +0300
+ std-proposals@
- все
Thank you for your feedback. I updated my proposal a bit by revising the structure and explaining the specific corner cases. But it seems that you are right, the only pros that I can offer now is to reduce the number of artificial exceptions to the general rule. Which, at the same time, from a modern point of view may not look artificial: someone may really object that this exception protects against silly typos. As in the case of
int b[] = {1,2};
auto c[]{b};

With my proposal, the type of `c` will be `int*[1]`
16.07.2024, 23:18, "Arthur O'Dwyer" <arthur.j.odwyer_at_[hidden]>:
Hi Danil,
Your proposal seems poorly motivated.
I absolutely 100% agree with you that N1984's motivation for not providing `auto x[] = {1,2,3}` was also insufficient. You are absolutely correct that
    int x[] = {1,2,3};
    auto y[] = x;
clearly cannot mean "copy the array `x` into a new array `y`," because of course it would do array-to-pointer decay, and of course it's ill-formed. So N1984 page 6 is pretty silly, by modern standards. However, we should also remember that N1984 was from 2006, when they were literally inventing the rules for `auto`. So things that are "obvious" today about how `auto` interacts with declaration syntax, might not have been obvious, nor even logically necessary, back in 2006.
Also, I suspect that N1984 had a typo in their last example:
    int x[5];
    auto y[] = x; // would this be allowed and y : int * ?
I think what they meant here was
    int x[5];
    auto y[] = {x}; // would this be allowed and y : int * ?
and the answer in 2024 is obviously that if we allow that, then `auto y[]` must be deduced as `int *y[1]`. (But remember this might not have been obvious 20 years ago.)
But just because N1984's rationale is bad, doesn't mean that their decision is necessarily bad. (Maybe the syntax is so confusing, and so useless in practice anyway, that it makes sense to ban it. It keeps the language simple, and perhaps even protects the programmer against silly typos.) You need to defeat not just N1984's silly rationale, but the strongest rationale anyone can think of for the status quo.
And even if N1984 made a bad decision, that doesn't mean that reversing their decision today would be a good thing. For example, we know that C++98 decided badly when they made constructors `explicit(false)` by default. But we don't propose to change that today, because it would be too disruptive. Any change (especially an explicit reversal of a previous decision) will be disruptive — that's a cost. You need to demonstrate that the cost is outweighed by a positive benefit. Your paper lacks any discussion of positive benefits. You have a section titled "Motivation," but it doesn't provide any motivation at all; it says that "we can do this," but it never once says that "we should do this."
You need to consider examples like:
    auto a[] = {1,'a'};  // is this int[2], char[2], pair<int,char>, ill-formed, or what?
    int b[] = {1,2};
    auto c[]{b};  // is this int*[1], ill-formed, or what? Notice the lack of `=` here
    auto d[][] = {{1,2}, {3,4}};  // is this int[2][2], ill-formed, or what?
    auto e[](1,2);  // is this int[2], ill-formed, or what?
    auto f[3] = {1,2};  // is this int[3], ill-formed, or what? Notice the third element is uninitialized
Your proposed wording makes the Standard longer and more complicated. You need to explain the benefit that outweighs this obvious cost.
To be clear: I'm 75% confident that you cannot name such a benefit, and therefore you should abandon this complicated and unnecessary. proposal.
On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 2:47 PM Zhihao Yuan via Std-Proposals <std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:
On Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 at 5:14 AM, Данил Сидорук via Std-Proposals <std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:
I got that we can't just remove `T shall not be an array type` and make few changes in the next paragraph. Cause we can't deduce array type using the rules of template argument deduction from a function call with initializer list:
#include <cstdio>
template <class U>
void f(U(&u)[]) {}
int main() {
f({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}); // Doesn't work
The three major compilers agree that calling
template <class U>
void f(U(&&u)[]);
with that initializer list works. It seems that U(&)[]
does not work only because it cannot bind to an
array rvalue.
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Danil Sidoruk

Received on 2024-07-16 22:15:05