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Re: [std-proposals] Function overload set type information loss

From: organicoman <organicoman_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2024 23:15:16 +0400
Hello Gašper,Since participants are starting to get what I am talking about, then allow me to answer your pending question.This is what you've said in previous post.There is another fundamental misunderstanding here.The feature calls to "record all the orthogonal template parameters".While that's not what that word means, I think regardless it's asking for global enumeration. C++ has a separate linking model. All the types/functions are not known within a single unit. The xunion is impossible to compute.This is a sister problem to what Jason is highlighting.When i was describing my algorithm, i left a big X mark, hoping that someone will ask me, if people were attentive. Line:4-b- switch *..... * inside function body: goto XThen I left a hint at the bottom of the post in a form of code comment double var2 = *reinterpret_cast<double*> ((reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(useType()))+sizeof(int)); // int since __X_index is int.                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The __X_index is not of type int but of type void*, the unnamed struct that the compiler generate becomes:struct __Xidfc_foo_eff{ void* __X_index; union { int __Xi; double __Xd ; float __Xf; char __Xc };};Since the compiler tagged useType function, as described by the algorithm, then after finishing recording the orthogonal template parameters, it replaces the body with the following. auto useType(effdecltype(foo) f) { f(); switch(f) { case &f<int>: //<- the pointer value return __Xidfc_foo_eff{(void*) &f<int>, int(0)};case &f<double>: return __Xidfc_foo_eff{(void*) &f<double>, double(0)};case &f<float>: return __Xidfc_foo_eff{(void*) &f<float>, float(0)};case &f<char>:     return __Xidfc_foo_eff{(void*) &f<char>, char(0)};  }}Pointers are comparable for equality.As you can see, you can capture the xunion.... right? There is no fundamental misunderstanding ...Plus everything is done by the compiler, there is no global map, no find algorithm, no type hashs, no type erasure (heap allocation), no manual intervention. All is automated at compile-time.

Received on 2024-08-02 19:15:30