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[std-proposals] Freestanding std modules Marcin Jaczewski (2024-06-30 12:28:58)

[std-proposals] Relocating destructor and operator reloc 李 秋逸 (2024-06-28 16:31:30)

[std-proposals] [C++ Proposal] Generic compile-time view Omar Dooley (2024-06-27 21:44:49)

[std-proposals] sizeof lambda in an unevaluated context Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-24 22:54:35)

[std-proposals] operator throw Yexuan Xiao (2024-06-18 17:02:17)

[std-proposals] On the standardization of mp-units P3045R1 Tiago Freire (2024-06-18 12:28:11)

[std-proposals] std::constant_size_function Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-14 10:04:12)

[std-proposals] Proposal for std::(set / map / multiset / multimap)::partition_point Aeren (2024-06-11 19:01:15)

[std-proposals] explicit class (2023, 2019, 2004, 2002) Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-11 12:55:33)

[std-proposals] Proposal for std::optional extensions Lorenz Quack (2024-06-09 12:44:56)

[std-proposals] declfunc - parameters deduced from arguments Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-05 15:08:00)

[std-proposals] Achieving NRVO with std::factory and std::after_factory Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-08 20:29:43)

Re: [std-proposals] std::elide Sebastian Wittmeier (2024-05-21 13:15:49)

Re: [std-proposals] std::elide Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-03 21:35:14)

Re: [std-proposals] std::elide Robert A.H. Leahy (2024-05-31 13:04:08)

Re: [std-proposals] std::elide Frederick Virchanza Gotham (2024-06-27 12:52:02)

Last message date: 2024-06-30 19:10:33