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Re: [std-proposals] On the standardization of mp-units P3045R1

From: Charles R Hogg <charles.r.hogg_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 13:03:19 -0400
Thanks for explaining your personal viewpoint so clearly.

Thanks, too, for the code example in the original post! It was a real
usability trap, and making sure that we address it will make the future
standard units library much stronger by removing sharp edges.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 6:35 PM Tiago Freire <tmiguelf_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> This was a deliberate decision, simpler designs are just better.
> Because of the weird way their measuring system works they are not at all
> that useful, there’s only a handful of things that you can do with it that
> traditionally makes sense.
> By far the most useful thing that you can do with those units is to
> convert them to their better-behaved twin (in this case Celsius to Kelvin,
> or Fahrenheit to Rankine), there really isn't much else that is worth doing
> with them.
> In fact, trying to do more than that is what gets you in to trouble, there
> is where people start to ask “what the hell did I actually mean when I did
> this?” and there are multiple interpretations of what they could possibly
> be, and intuitively people don’t actually know what it should mean.
> Of all the units that are used in practice (in my library I have 23
> different categories with each category between 2 to 13 different
> identifiable units), only 2 of them have this weird behavior.
> Only 2!
> They are not SI units, science and engineers mostly don’t work with them
> in practice, they just convert everything to kelvin to do the math and
> their problems are over.
> They are mostly there because some people still work with them, its
> practical utility is mostly because monkeys like to see them printed on
> screens.
> Because their math works differently, they have their separate type, and
> what you can do with them is purposefully limited, and the designs is very
> oriented to help you take the step that you should be taking… i.e. stop
> using them! just convert it to their well-behaved twin!
> I could have provided with a conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit, and I
> think I could have still done it without it being ambiguous, but I didn’t
> see a use for it. Converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit is almost
> something that is never done in engineering. There is still a path to do
> that conversion if you still really wanted to, why should I provide another
> one that raises questions?
> And this is what pains with the design of mp_units. It’s only 2 units that
> are not at all that useful in practice, (people use it wrong because its
> weird and unfamiliar, and don’t behave at all like the rest). And most of
> the complexity and problems of mp_units exists only to jump trough hoops
> created by these 2 units, and still get it wrong.
> No joke, I believe that had these 2 units not existed, you could have
> easily deleted 80% of the mp_units code and you would not miss it.
> Even if you are yet unconvinced by my arguments that your problems are
> actually caused by a misunderstanding of how units works, you still have to
> ask yourself the question if it is really worth it so that you can
> dubiously save 1 cpu instruction to add one number to another, on an
> operation that doesn’t really happen all that often.
> It’s a really weird hill to die on, that you would be willing to
> compromise the entire design and sacrifice the whole project because you
> want to display a superscript ball adjacent to an upper-case letter C when
> subtracting 2 temperatures.
> *From:* Charles R Hogg <charles.r.hogg_at_[hidden]>
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 20, 2024 21:43
> *To:* Tiago Freire <tmiguelf_at_[hidden]>
> *Cc:* std-proposals_at_[hidden]; Mateusz Pusz <mateusz.pusz_at_[hidden]>;
> Chip Hogg <chogg_at_[hidden]>; Anthony Williams <
> anthony_at_[hidden]>; Johel Ernesto Guerrero Peña <
> johelegp_at_[hidden]>
> *Subject:* Re: [std-proposals] On the standardization of mp-units P3045R1
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 6:02 PM Tiago Freire <tmiguelf_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > This makes no sense. The formula to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit
> is simply T_F = T_C * 9 / 5 + 32. This produces the correct answer in
> every case, and there is nary a Kelvin nor a Rankine to be seen. And it
> *must* be thus, because Celsius and Fahrenheit *predate* the Rankine and
> Kelvin scales by roughly a century!
> > Back to the software perspective: it seems as though you propose
> performing additional runtime computational steps compared to the simple
> formula I provided just above. Why should we do that?
> The difference in cost is just 1 addition in the most extreme case and it
> could be optimized. But now it is really hard to do the wrong thing.
> You try to do something that is potentially ambiguous or dangerous, and
> the compiler says “No! fix it!” and it teaches you something, now you
> really have to pay close attention to what is happening and really know
> what you are doing.
> That’s the point, it’s hard to do the wrong thing, if something happens
> it’s obvious.
> I agree that the cost makes no *practical* difference, especially because
> well-written programs do not perform unit conversions in hot loops. I
> apologize for distracting you from the substance of my post.
> Returning now to that substance --- are you saying that converting a
> *temperature* in Celsius to a *temperature* in Fahrenheit is a
> "potentially ambiguous or dangerous" operation? Even in your preferred
> world, where temperature *differences* in Celsius and Fahrenheit are not
> allowed to exist? The latter policy, I can at least understand, even
> though I think it is misguided. But the former, I am at a loss to explain.
> Have I really understood you correctly, that you think we should prevent
> directly converting temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit?

Received on 2024-06-21 17:03:33