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Re: [std-proposals] Proposal for std::optional extensions

From: Jarrad Waterloo <descender76_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 09:27:57 -0400
+3 but I would really like it if they could retain the original names of
value_or and or_else. After all T and optional<T> are two different
types and thus overloadable.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 8:45 AM Lorenz Quack via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Hi std-proposals list,
> This is my first submission to this list.
> I have three proposal ideas that I would like to float here.
> They all concern std::optional.
> I have searched the archive of this mailing list and have not found
> similar proposals.
> In the below proposal ideas I will provide some examples that will assume
> the following code declarations:
> struct Foo {
> int bar;
> };
> std::optional<Foo> try_generate_foo();
> Foo safe_generate_foo()
> Without further ado, here are the proposal ideas:
> 1. Allow passing pointer-to-member (both data and function member) to
> std::optional::transform()
> Example:
> // before proposal
> int x = try_generate_foo().transform([](Foo& f){ return f.bar; });
> // after proposal
> int x = try_generate_foo().transform(&Foo::bar);
> This is similar to how the projections of the ranges algorithms allow
> pointer-to-members to be passed.
> If this proposal idea goes further it should be considered whether the
> exact same INVOKE semantics [1] should
> apply here.
> 2. Add the ability to call a function to create a default value.
> This could be in the form of a dedicated function like
> std::optional::value_or_call(Callable&& c) or an
> overload to optional::value_or
> Example:
> // before proposal
> auto optional_foo = try_generate_foo();
> if (optional_foo.has_value()) {
> return optional_foo.value();
> } else {
> return safe_generate_foo();
> }
> // after proposal
> return try_generate_foo().value_or_call(&safe_generate_foo);
> The name `value_or_call` is obviously a working title and would then
> need further discussion should this proposal
> idea gain traction.
> 3. add or_generate(Callable&& c)
> This should return `this` if the optional has a value and otherwise a
> new optional containing the result of calling
> the callable. This is different from or_else where the callable has to
> return an optional.
> This is analog to transform and and_then.
> Example:
> // before proposal
> try_generate_foo()
> .or_else([](){ return make_optional(safe_generate_foo()); })
> .and_then(...)
> // after proposal
> try_generate_foo()
> .or_generate(&safe_generate_foo)
> .and_then(...)
> Again, the name `or_generate` is just a working title.
> Looking forward to getting some feedback on these ideas.
> Best regards,
> Lorenz
> [1]
> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional#Function_invocation
> --
> Std-Proposals mailing list
> Std-Proposals_at_[hidden]
> https://lists.isocpp.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/std-proposals

Received on 2024-06-09 13:28:11