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Re: [std-proposals] explicit class (2023, 2019, 2004, 2002)

From: Jonathan Wakely <cxx_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 15:29:36 +0100
On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 15:22, Frederick Virchanza Gotham via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 2:18 PM Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> >
> > What's a miranda function?
> I learned C++ from the book "C++ For Dummies" back in 2002. The author
> Stephen R. Davis wrote:
> "I like to call the Miranda functions, ie. if you can't supply
> your own, the court will supply them for you"
> Miranda functions are, for example, copy constructor, move
> constructor, assignment operator and so on. Anything that's given to
> you without you needing to ask for it.
> > Why can't explicit(false) be used here?
> That syntax could work too.
> > Why is making constructors explicit by default related to
> > making special member functions omitted by default?
> > Those seem like two unrelated features.
> The idea of marking a class as 'explicit' is just to make it very
> restrictive in many ways. Some people like to be very concise when
> writing code. I like to be pedantic and verbose, as in: "I want the
> compiler to ask me to clarify what I meant to do unless I've made it
> crystal clear what I meant to do".
> There is a majority of neurotypical people and a minority of
> neurodiverse people in society. Some estimate that the ratio is 99:1.
> When it comes to computer programmers, that minority is a lot bigger,
> with a ratio of something like 13:1. And as you go up in skill level
> with computer programmers, that ratio gets closer and closer. If we
> were to survey all of the people who compose papers to present to the
> C++ committee, I'd believe you if you told me half of them were
> neurodiverse.
> The reason I'm getting into all this is that I think a lot of
> programmers want the compiler to demand more clarification from the
> programmer. That's why I dug up posts from 3 other people over the
> past 22 years to show that other people want this too.

That's still not motivation. If you want to define special members as
defaulted or deleted, you can already do that (by writing it explicitly -
which is surely even more explicit!). If you want to prefix every member
access with this-> then you can do that too.

What is the benefit of a new language feature that *forces* you to do that,
except satisfying a personal preference for coding style? Why not write a
clang-tidy checker for this? Why does it need to be a first class language

> >> 3 - A derived class's member function which overrides a base
> >> class's virtual function must be marked as both 'virtual' and
> >> 'override'.
> >
> >
> > Why? That goes against all guidelines I'm aware of, which say to omit
> > the redundant 'virtual' when using 'override'.
> I like to have "virtual" on the far left because when you're scrolling
> down through the header file, you see the "virtual" first (as we
> normally read from left to right). Maybe programmers who started out
> with Hebrew or Arabic will have a stronger tendency to look to the
> right (but even readers of Hebrew and Arabic will be used to the text
> being aligned on the right, so when it's unaligned on the right then
> maybe they're more likely to look to the left). I want to scan my eye
> down the left side of the screen and immediately see which methods are
> virtual.
> Why should a language feature be introduced for a personal preference?
Write a clang-tidy check.

> > wat
> >
> > This seems a lot less bizarre:
> > virtual func() override(false)
> When I see your line of code, I think:
> "This is a virtual member function, and there is no such virtual
> function in any of the base classes"

> But I wanted to convey:
> "This is a virtual member function, and there is a non-virtual
> method with the same name in at least one of the base classes"
> > Why? What has this got to do with the other features?
> >
> > Why should writing 'explicit' before the class-head enable a bunch of
> unrelated features?
> > Is there any motivation for this?
> For example when you see a function like:
> void SomeClass::SomeFunc(void)
> {
> SomeOtherFunc();
> }
> You don't know if "SomeOtherFunc" is member function. I prefer to write:
> void SomeClass::SomeFunc(void)
> {
> this->SomeOtherFunc();
> }
Personal preference. Why is a new language feature needed to please you and
three other people in 20+ years? Write a clang-tidy check.

> >> Note that the constructor's initialiser list has "this->n(7)" instead
> >> of "n(7)", and this is so that you can have a member with the same
> >> name as a base class, as follows:
> >
> >
> > Why is that useful?
> > Why can't you solve it with a private typedef for the base class?
> Some would argue that the 'typedef' is a workaround for a lack of
> restrictiveness.

Some would argue that naming a member the same as a base class is silly

Received on 2024-06-11 14:30:56