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[EXTERNAL] Re: [isocpp-ext] Can we expect that all C++ source files can have the same suffix?

[isocpp-ext] Can we expect that all C++ source files can have the same suffix?

[isocpp-ext] Fwd: Can we expect that all C++ source files can have the same suffix?

Can we expect that all C++ source files can have the same suffix?

clmod.py (the tool to provide easy use of module examples with Visual C++) is published

Fwd: [isocpp-ext] Can we expect that all C++ source files can have the same suffix?

Meeting on February 18th at 9AM Pacific

Meeting on Friday April 15th at 9AM Pacific (potential conflict)?

Meeting on Friday April 29th at 9AM Pacific

Modules Build System Scenarios

P2577R0 - C++ Modules Discovery in Prebuilt Library Releases

P2581R0: Specifying the Interoperability of Binary Module Interface Files


Last message date: 2022-04-26 00:30:26