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[D1689R5] Draft addition of the `is-interface` key

[isocpp-core] [isocpp-ext] unqualified-ids looked up by the compiler

[isocpp-ext] Can we expect that all C++ source files can have the same suffix?

[isocpp-ext] How to provide functionality as both header file and module?

[isocpp-ext] unqualified-ids looked up by the compiler

How to provide functionality as both header file and module?

Initial outline for modules-ecosystem-tr, plus terminology section

Meeting on Friday May 13th at 9AM Pacific

Meeting on Friday May 27th at 9AM Pacific

Modules Ecosystem TR: Updated PR#4 with feedback from telecon

P2577R2: C++ Modules Discovery in Prebuilt Library Releases

P2581R0: Specifying the Interoperability of Binary Module Interface Files

Revisiting terminology, framing for meeting on 2022-05-13


Terminology for tooling (Was: P2581R0: Specifying the Interoperability of Binary Module Interface Files)

unqualified-ids looked up by the compiler

Last message date: 2022-05-28 16:33:47