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[std-proposals] A type trait for detecting virtual base classes

[std-proposals] Add Projection Support for std::ranges::views

[std-proposals] An efficient event-based coroutine solution

[std-proposals] Automatic conditional noexcept: noexcept(auto)

[std-proposals] Constructing C++ standard stuctures from equivalent types

[std-proposals] Copy-construct, move-construct, and PR-construct

[std-proposals] Declare multiple aliases at once with `using`.

[std-proposals] Draft Proposal for elaborate extension points

[std-proposals] Error messages associated with "requires"

[std-proposals] exception_thread

[std-proposals] Expand arrays with known sizes using ellipses

[std-proposals] Fwd: Lack of preconditions on std::lock/std::try_lock

[std-proposals] hello

[std-proposals] Interest in constexpr std::shared_ptr?

[std-proposals] Iterators for basic_string and basic_string_view find functions

[std-proposals] Lack of preconditions on std::lock/std::try_lock

[std-proposals] Let constructor know if object is const or volatile

[std-proposals] Let spaceship return an int

[std-proposals] Macro scope

[std-proposals] Make std::bitset a C++20 range?

[std-proposals] mandatory compiler diagnostic for converting function to boolean

[std-proposals] Manifold comparison operator

[std-proposals] Opt-In Compile Time Bounds Checking

[std-proposals] PR: std::allocator<T>::allocate is not freestanding

[std-proposals] Proposal for Uniform Forward And Move

[std-proposals] Real World Programming, private = public

[std-proposals] Relax condition for potentially invoked destructor via noexcept

[std-proposals] Size parameter for template UD literals.

[std-proposals] Std-Proposals Digest, Vol 54, Issue 16

[std-proposals] Std-Proposals Digest, Vol 54, Issue 17

[std-proposals] Std-Proposals Digest, Vol 54, Issue 18

[std-proposals] std::string::operator+(std::string_view)

[std-proposals] template catch block

[std-proposals] 回复: Iterators for basic_string and basic_string_view find functions

Last message date: 2023-09-30 22:18:50