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Re: [std-proposals] Let spaceship return an int

From: Chris Gary <cgary512_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 19:40:30 -0600
Its hard for me to say what inspired many of the responses I received,
aside from my clicking "reply to" and having a good bit of unproductive
discussion vanish into personal conversations with others. Yet, here, it is
not having problems putting your email on the CC list, and the message
board on the main...

We have a set of 3 things in std::strong_ordering, and an implicit 4th that
is "not defined" or "unspecified". "Unspecified" is not an error, its just
UB, which we've all come to know and work with. Proving that an
arbitrary operator <=>, return type notwithstanding, will never result in
UB is ultimately undecidable (also obvious).

Wherever a user-defined operator <=> suddenly produces an int, the compiler
can instead insert code to check against any of {-1,0,1} depending on what
was synthesized. No need for a header or privileged symbols in namespace
std. Again, I proposed this assuming a good deal of other things were

The comment about "Hacking into Clang..." was meant for another thread, the
discussion in which seemed to creep into this one. At least a mention of
"polyfill" was made in one post I responded to, and that ended up here.

This won't break or interact with modules as far as I can tell. In general
code, obviously something like decltype( a <=> b ), but then wherever that
is being done, it probably doesn't care about specific names...

To every complaint about "ABI breakage" etc... It won't break any existing
code to allow new code to define an int-valued <=>. Its just a function by
another name. The behavior of the compiler can be made well-defined in
either case.

The comment in the opening about "all knowledge being integers" etc... also
obvious, was meant to set the tone to "this is always possible, reasoning
to the contrary must now confront an obvious truth." Why? I feel the
decision to impose semantics through a return type is bad design, and
thought the reasoning for its adoption was due to a narrow scope of
understanding. Started by yours truly, all bad ideas that just ended up
gaslighting many very negative responses, then more confused negativity
from myself, etc...

I would need a specific example of where, if some new code were allowed to
define an int-valued operator <=>, this would make it impossible for it to
build against other code. I see this as analogous to "std::strong_ordering
compare( thing a, thing b )" being in the same overload set as "int
compare( different_thing a, different_thing b )". Type conversion issues
aside; two functions, with the same name, different arguments and a
different return type haven't been an issue before.

There is too much to review from this mess right now. I felt an explanation
was warranted from me. If an example has already been posted, I'll
eventually find it.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 2:47 PM Julien Villemure-Fréchette via
Std-Proposals <std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> > It seems presenting ideas here without first providing a toy
> implementation never gets any traction. "If you can't hack it into
> Clang, then nobody cares."
> I certainly do not think that "nobody cares" here, just look at the
> tremendous amount of replies got generated, I didn't count the exact
> number, but I'm sure we're over 20;
> and at least from 5 different people (which includes active committee
> members). You actually did get a lot of attention, with a fair amount of
> text in responses to your OP,
> with detailed explanations as to why people reading this thread actually
> judge that what you propose has not enough value to get moving forward.
> Even though you could be right in identifying an unsolved problem, and
> if so, that your proposed solution is a good one, people are saying "I'm
> not convinced".
> (Think of special relativity, nobody took it seriously; it only was
> accepted years later, when a rigorous experiment disproved the "Ether
> model").
> If you fail to convince others, or nobody seem to see the problem you
> indicate as something worth fixing, then you must try to prove your point.
> Rephrasing things, or replying by adding more sentences like "things
> should be like this" (which already sound opinionated),
> or personal anecdotes of the kind "something broke when I did this, but
> shouldn't had" (which is hypothetical), then it's not going to be
> perceived seriously,
> and is no more convincing than repeating the same thing over and over.
> If you want things to go forward, you need to break this
> "argument-counterargument" cycle, you need to rigorous proof that
> 1) there really is an outstanding problem that needs to be fixed;
> 2) and that your solution fixes this problem without bringing in
> contradictions or breaking other people's (conforming) code;
> What I mean by a "proof" is, a tangible, reproductible experiment with
> consistent observables: describe the steps of the experiment so that
> anyone can
> run it, and then come up with consistent observations leading to the
> same conclusions.
> The sentence "If you can't hack it into Clang, then nobody cares."
> sounds more like a catch phrase and can be taken to mean "prove your
> point using a rigorous method".
> If you someone wants to propose some change in the language's syntax,
> starting a topic branch from clang is usually a convenient experimental
> setup to support their proposal.
> Other methods are not excluded.
> > ... and even in my personal projects I really do not care about that
> kind of thing
> The terms "my personal projects" and "I do not care about that kind of
> thing" are antithetical to collaborative work --
> how about the reciprocal "We don't interact with your personal projects,
> so we don't care about the problems you encounter or your personal
> specific needs".
> A problem is worth solving if it reaches more people than just you;
> A solution has value if it improves the language for everyone, in way
> consistent with the philosophy of the language.
> BTW, If you don't like that language mechanics to interact with std
> library headers, C language has come with the "nice solution" of
> introducing
> new builtin types with new builtin operator semantics for complex
> numbers and booleans. To do so, in a portable way (without breaking
> backward compatibility),
> type names needed to be in the _Reserved_identifier space, and more
> special cases in the formal description of builtin operators (as C
> cannot support builtin type's syntax for user defined types).
> Does anyone have objection if I'd say `std::new_type` is better than
> `_New_type` or that implementing an `operator+` directly in C++ is
> better than adding a new special case to the builtin operator `+`
> to support the semantic of some `_New_type`? If I recall, supporting
> user defined types with syntax similar to builtin types is foundational
> in C++.
> Julien V.
> On 2023-09-24 10:38 p.m., Chris Gary via Std-Proposals wrote:
> > have to come back to these things later.
> --
> Std-Proposals mailing list
> Std-Proposals_at_[hidden]
> https://lists.isocpp.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/std-proposals

Received on 2023-09-27 01:40:44