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Re: [std-proposals] Automatic conditional noexcept: noexcept(auto)

From: Giuseppe D'Angelo <giuseppe.dangelo_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 10:14:45 +0200
Il 04/09/23 08:13, Yexuan Xiao via Std-Proposals ha scritto:
> Abstract
> This paper proposes a new syntax for noexcept-specification,
> noexcept(auto), which deduces the exception specification of a
> function from its body or member initializer list. This feature aims
> to simplify the use of conditional noexcept and avoid the redundancy
> and ugliness of manually writing noexcept expressions.

This idea has been raised a few times in the past, cf. N4473, N3202 and

The problems and objections raised by those papers need to be reviewed
and analysed for any new proposal to go forward.

> Motivation
> Since C++11 introduced the noexcept specifier, conditional noexcept
> has been widely used in the standard library. It is undeniable that
> noexcept can avoid the compiler generating code to handle exceptions
> and improve performance (both at compile time and run time).
> Therefore, [P2517] and [P2401] added conditional noexcept for some
> simple functions. However, there are still many functions that do not
> use conditional noexcept, but potentially-throwing, such as ranges
> algorithms, std::min, std::greater, etc.
> I noticed that Microsoft STL orginally added conditional noexcept
> forstd::greater::operator()
> <https://github.com/microsoft/STL/blob/6c69a73911b33892919ec628c0ea5bbf0caf8a6a/stl/inc/xutility#L409>:
> [snip]

(P2401 author here)

MS-STL seems to be a bit more generous than other stdlib implementation
at sprinkling noexcept; when doing research for P2401 it seems that the
presence of a conditional noexcept improves MSVC's debug codegen.
Implementations are anyhow allowed to do so by
[res.on.exception.handling]/5 .

> Proposal
> I propose to add noexcept(auto) as a placeholder for
> noexcept-specification, which is equivalent to noexcept(false), except
> in the following cases where it is equivalent to noexcept(true):
> * It is not a non-throwing function as specified by the standard, and

I don't understand what this means.

> * Any function call within the function body or member initializer
> list does not throw exceptions, or
> * The function body is a try block, and the last catch catches all
> exceptions, or
> * Within the function body, any function call that throws an
> exception is wrapped by a try block, and the last catch catches
> all exceptions

This is a classification which is way too simple. What if you re-throw
from a catch?

I suspect you really need a long and detailed list, along the lines of
[expr.const], to determine what would make a function noexcept(false).

> Furthermore, in constexpr if and consteval if, the discarded branch
> does not participate in this deduction.
> Design Decisions
> The motivations for this proposal is to simplify the use of
> conditional noexcept in the standard library and user code.

As noted before, this simplification has to consider a bunch of things:

1) Is it implementable? Does it require full-program analysis? Does it
risk hitting implementation-defined limits? Do you run into Rice's
theorem? A POC would be very much desirable.


void a(int i) noexcept(auto) { if (i > 0) b(i-1); }

void b(int i) noexcept(auto) { if (i > 0) a(i-1); }

What is the compiler supposed to deduce here?

2) Would be acceptable that a "minor" modification of a noexcept(auto)
function does, in fact, change its noexcept-ness, with possibly massive
consequences for callers?

Say you have a move constructor defined as such:

MyClass::MyClass(MyClass &&other) noexcept(auto)

    data(std::exchange(other.data), nullptr)


    countObjectCreated(); // add this for debugging reasons


If someone /forgets/ to add noexcept(true) to countObjectCreated(), or
simply /cannot/ add it (it's a C function; it's in another library;
...), then now the whole move constructor is noexcept(false) with
terrible consequences on algorithms and so on.

My 2 c,

Giuseppe D'Angelo |giuseppe.dangelo_at_[hidden]  | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,http://www.kdab.com

Received on 2023-09-04 08:14:49