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Re: [std-proposals] PR: std::allocator<T>::allocate is not freestanding

From: coshvji cujmlqef <oyzawqgcfc_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 11:36:17 -0400
> It is a must for you does not mean it should impose overhead on the entire
> program or other peopple. It should only be an optional feature, not
> something that is mandatory.

stream_libarchive: workaround various types of locale braindeath ยท
mpv-player/mpv_at_1e70e82 (github.com)

Indeed, it's entirely feasible to offer support for locale or other
internationalization (i18n) features without making them mandatory; they
should always be optional features that users can opt out of.

Additionally, it's worth noting that the standard std::locale functionality
has faced challenges in practice. For example, in some cases, libraries
like libstdc++ may encounter crashes when users attempt to set a locale,
and the naming conventions for locales are not standardized across
platforms, particularly because Microsoft does not adhere to WG4 standards.

As I mentioned, there is a viable alternative: providing a unified API that
handles both strings and streams, which could also be compatible with
third-party libraries such as Qt. It's essential to recognize that concerns
regarding these issues can be effectively addressed by leveraging libraries
like my fast_io library.

Received on 2023-09-04 15:38:57