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[SG16] SG16 meeting summary for December 9th, 2020 Tom Honermann (2020-12-29 06:11:41)

[SG16] Invitation: ISO C++ SG16 (Unicode) Telecon Tom Honermann via Standard C++ Foundation (2020-12-27 04:38:23)

[SG16] Please help me!!! George Gialopoulos (2020-12-18 12:21:57)

[SG16] Handling literals throughout the translation phases Jens Maurer (2020-12-17 21:33:12)

[SG16] P2093 Formatted output Peter Brett (2020-12-10 16:32:43)

[SG16] Clang RFC: Enabling fexec-charset support to LLVM and clang Tom Honermann (2020-12-10 14:50:13)

[SG16] Reminder: SG16 telecon tomorrow, Wednesday, 2020-12-09 Tom Honermann (2020-12-08 18:29:01)

[SG16] [ WG14 ] Mixed Wide String Literals JeanHeyd Meneide (2020-12-04 15:48:39)

Re: [SG16] [isocpp-lib-ext] Review of P2093R2: Formatted output Tom Honermann (2020-12-05 21:16:48)

Re: [SG16] Invitation: ISO C++ SG16 (Unicode) Telecon Hubert Tong (2020-12-04 17:18:50)

Last message date: 2020-12-31 18:32:20