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[SG16] [ ] Mixed Wide String Literal Concatenation for C JeanHeyd Meneide (2020-10-27 16:00:14)

[SG16] Reminder: SG16 telecon tomorrow, Wednesday, 2020-10-28 Tom Honermann (2020-10-27 14:20:52)

[SG16] SG16 meeting summary for October 14th, 2020 Tom Honermann (2020-10-25 03:24:33)

[SG16] Invitation: ISO C++ SG16 (Unicode) Telecon Tom Honermann via Standard C++ Foundation (2020-10-22 22:18:31)

[SG16] D1030R4 draft 2: std::filesystem::path_view Niall Douglas (2020-10-15 10:17:42)

[SG16] Colleague at work interested in SG16 work Steve Downey (2020-10-13 15:23:12)

[SG16] Reminder: SG16 telecon tomorrow, Wednesday, 2020-10-14 Tom Honermann (2020-10-13 13:54:51)

[SG16] Draft proposal: Clarify guidance for use of a BOM as a UTF-8 encoding signature Tom Honermann (2020-10-10 18:54:56)

[SG16] Proposed normative wording for P1030 path_view draft 1 Niall Douglas (2020-10-01 11:10:28)

Re: [SG16] SG16 meeting summary for September 23rd, 2020 Tom Honermann (2020-10-02 14:02:18)

Last message date: 2020-10-27 16:47:33