[SG16] 1854R1 - Conversion to literal encoding should not lead to loss of meaning
[SG16] [isocpp-lib-ext] [SG9] [isocpp-lib] D2432R0: paper to fix istream_view() (was: istream_view construction looks fundamentally broken)
[SG16] [isocpp-lib-ext] P1885: Naming text encodings: Encodings in the environment versus registered character sets
[SG16] Agenda for the 2021-09-08 SG16 meeting
[SG16] Agenda for the 2021-09-15 SG16 meeting
[SG16] Agenda for the 2021-09-22 SG16 meeting
[SG16] Follow up on LWG3576: Clarifying fill character in std::format
[SG16] Fwd: [wg14/wg21 liaison] C and C++ Compatibility Oct Agenda
[SG16] Invitation: ISO C++ SG16 (Unicode) Telecon
[SG16] P1885 polling
[SG16] P1885: Naming text encodings: Curation and provenance of aliases
[SG16] P1885: Naming text encodings: Encodings in the environment versus registered character sets
[SG16] P1885: Naming text encodings: problem+solution re: charsets, octets, and wide encodings
[SG16] P2071 - Named universal character escapes
[SG16] P2348: Feedback on r1 draft
[SG16] Polls for named unicode escape sequences
[SG16] SG16 meeting summary for August 25th, 2021
[SG16] SG16 meeting summary for September 8th, 2021
[SG16] Whitespaces again
Last message date: 2021-09-30 00:22:34