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Balanced division of iterator range without LegacyRandomAccessIterator trait

C++ create a class with array members which are not constructed.

C++ create a class with array members which are notconstructed.

C++ create a class with array members which arenot constructed.

Explode in-place, constexpr

Fwd: Middle ground between "return" and exceptions?

Initialisers in ternary operators

Input should come from the right hand side

Make reference_wrapper have a pointer layout

Making bit_cast Useful

Middle ground between "return" and exceptions?

P2192 R1 -- request for comments

Pack of functions - amendment to P1858

Please make string class more powerful

Pure value templates

Random: Negative binomial distribution

RFC: disjoint qualifier

std::optional - Inconsistency/defect regarding constexpr

std::take(obj), aka std::exchange(obj, {})

std::variant - going from Alternative& to the enclosing variant&

Templated function pointers

why does std::basic_string should accept an std::basic_string_view with the same charT and Traits

Last message date: 2020-09-30 15:38:55