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Re: Middle ground between "return" and exceptions?

From: Dmitry Dmitry <dimanne_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 20:20:52 +0100
>> However, what you want is already possible in Standard C++:
> std::optional<std::string> FindUsersCity() {
> try {
> std::optional<ContactsServer> contacts =
> GetOrOpenContactsServerConnection();
> std::optional<UserId> uid = contacts.value().GetUserId(); //
> throw bad_optional_access on empty
> std::optional<GeoServer> geo = GetOrOpenGeoServerConnection();
> std::optional<Location> uloc =
> geo.value().GetLocation(uid.value()); // throw bad_optional_access on empty
> return uloc.value().GetCityName();
> } catch (const std::bad_optional_access&) {
> return std::nullopt;
> }
> }
If you want the same level of flexibility as with returns (and you usually
want, because sometimes you need to be more specific and capture some
context/explanation), then it would be:
Result<int, std::string> FindUsersCity() {
    std::optional<ContactsServer> contacts
= GetOrOpenContactsServerConnection();
    std::optional<UserId> uid;
    try {
        uid = contacts.value().GetUserId(); // throw bad_optional_access
on empty
    } catch (const std::bad_optional_access&) {
        return failure("failed to get GetOrOpenContactsServerConnection:
details: " + ...)
    std::optional<GeoServer> geo = GetOrOpenGeoServerConnection();
    try {
        std::optional<Location> uloc =
geo.value().GetLocation(uid.value()); // throw bad_optional_access on empty
    } catch (const std::bad_optional_access&) {
        return failure("failed to get GetOrOpenGeoServerConnection:
details: " + ...)
    try {
        return uloc.value().GetCityName();
    } catch (const std::bad_optional_access&) {
        return failure("failed to get GetLocation of: " + ...)

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Received on 2020-09-14 14:21:21