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[std-proposals] A draft for a std::arguments proposal

[std-proposals] constraint that function can/shall be evaluated at compile time

[std-proposals] Floating an idea: Dereference operators for std::reference_wrapper

[std-proposals] Floating an idea: int main(std::span<std::string_view> args)

[std-proposals] Fwd: ranges::collect

[std-proposals] Fwd: Standardised Type Punning API for Wrapper Types

[std-proposals] Interest in constexpr std::shared_ptr?

[std-proposals] It seems impossible to use new on a class with a deleted operator delete

[std-proposals] Make std::span convertible to a const'd span

[std-proposals] Placeholder in requires expression

[std-proposals] ranges::to() should prefer iterator_concept over iterator_category

[std-proposals] Revising #pragma once

[std-proposals] SFINAE-friendly std::apply

[std-proposals] std::range_of concept

[std-proposals] String indexed version of tuple (see dooc-np by doocman on github)

[std-proposals] template int types

[std-proposals] Where await_transform = default?

Last message date: 2024-09-30 23:12:15