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A 'stream()' member for std::ostream_iterator and cousins

Add first and last to the std::string_view

Additional Native Ptr BitMap Flags bit position to int or ptr, value and visa versa visa for languages and CPU

Allow [[deprecated]] on call site to disable deprecated warning

C++ showing error even if the code is correct.

default floating point

Delay the judgement for coroutine function after the instantiation of template entity.

Explicit using

Explicit using --> Library for simple strong types

Fwd: Proposal for improving the C/C++ language, to get higher performance

Idea of Lambda Classes

Mixed comparisons for smart pointers

New attribute to change the default specifiers and qualifiers

Operator for reference casting

P1885: Naming Text Encodings to Demystify Them: Note on the IANA registry

Parralized instructions in language in CPU

static_printf and static_assertf: Standardizing Compilation-Time Output

回复: Delay the judgement for coroutine function after the instantiation of template entity.

回复: 回复: Delay the judgement for coroutine function after the instantiation of template entity.

Last message date: 2021-01-31 22:55:03