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Missing standard concepts "subsumes" relations Andrew Schepler (2021-08-29 17:59:57)

Construction and destruction Vladimir Grigoriev (2021-08-28 10:10:31)

More than one final overrider of a virtual functions. Vladimir Grigoriev (2021-08-17 17:16:31)

Earliest version with vector::data Hans Åberg (2021-08-17 08:47:11)

Random thought: consteval member data Scott Michaud (2021-08-08 19:08:00)

Fwd: about reusing source_location type Jordi Vilar (2021-08-04 14:27:50)

inout_ptr - inconsistent release() Doug Cook (WINDOWS) (2021-08-02 22:37:33)

Re: The unnecessary confusion of the C++23 proposal P0847R6 Hani Deek (2021-08-01 23:50:45)

Fw: The unnecessary confusion of the C++23 proposal P0847R6 Hani Deek (2021-08-02 20:18:44)

Last message date: 2021-08-30 07:49:33