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[isocpp-sg16] User facing term for "basic character" Corentin (2024-10-24 08:11:26)

[isocpp-sg16] Clarifying of text encodings work in the standard library. Corentin (2024-10-24 07:57:44)

[isocpp-sg16] Typing Unicode symbols in wording Mateusz Pusz (2024-10-23 19:59:43)

Re: [isocpp-sg16] Agenda for the 2024-10-23 SG16 meeting 梁家铭 (2024-10-23 00:06:17)

[isocpp-sg16] Agenda for the 2024-10-23 SG16 meeting Tom Honermann (2024-10-22 18:24:38)

[isocpp-sg16] Agenda for the 2024-10-09 SG16 meeting Tom Honermann (2024-10-08 21:28:15)

[isocpp-sg16] P2728R7 Announcement Eddie Nolan (2024-10-08 14:12:00)

Last message date: 2024-10-28 20:17:17