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CNTTP defaulted to lambda in definition produces different type every time Thiago Macieira (2023-04-27 15:05:09)

Casts from const object type to function pointer type Myria (2023-04-26 23:19:26)

Type requirements for va_start Lukas Barth (2023-04-25 18:53:46)

[[maybe_unused]] classes Stephan Bergmann (2023-04-19 07:52:13)

std::format and json objects Federico Kircheis (2023-04-18 11:53:34)

Fwd: Some feedback on scope guards Jason McKesson (2023-04-16 16:38:57)

Some feedback on scope guards Andrey Semashev (2023-04-07 17:31:46)

Last message date: 2023-04-27 22:36:40