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Access level for defaulted comparison operators Richard Hazlewood (2021-11-24 15:21:16)

std::ranges::for_each with execution policy JIMMY HU (2021-11-23 04:13:36)

Defect of the C Standard within the section "The typedef specifier" Vladimir Grigoriev (2021-11-13 08:44:02)

Why is this code accepted by all compilers? Hani Deek (2021-11-12 03:04:43)

Can we limit dependencies in a modularized std library Peter Sommerlad (C++) (2021-11-11 09:44:00)

HTTPS for open-std.org ? Giuseppe D'Angelo (2021-11-05 11:17:59)

fs::path appenders have inconsistent behavior for UNC paths between OSes Andrey Semashev (2021-11-04 22:41:17)

Question regarding [c.math¶11] Matthew Woehlke (2021-11-02 19:50:30)

Re: Wording change about "base class type" in aliasing rules language.lawyer_at (2021-11-08 09:39:42)

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: inout_ptr - inconsistent release() JeanHeyd Meneide (2021-11-02 17:02:11)

Re: inout_ptr - inconsistent release() Doug Cook (WINDOWS) (2021-11-02 20:05:23)

Last message date: 2021-11-27 13:46:18