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Zero-initialization in value-initialization of classes with defaulted default ctors Anton Bikineev (2020-01-31 15:07:17)

adding a more C++ compliant main function Vishal Oza (2020-01-29 16:37:17)

Idea: lambda capture list as ad-hoc structure or named members tuple Raymund Hofmann (2020-01-24 06:22:51)

static_cast from array (ref or ptr) of unknown bound to array of the actual, static bound will wray (2020-01-16 17:31:03)

std::chrono: intend of op-/ for std:.chrono::day Wilhelm Meier (2020-01-16 14:50:09)

Will we get constexpr std::bit_cast in C++20? Wilhelm Meier (2020-01-11 07:16:15)

Proposal: Small bit fields, and their access requirements John.Adriaan_at_[hidden] (2020-01-09 14:02:23)

Physical Unit Types as NTTP Victor Dyachenko (2020-01-09 10:20:37)

Can we use "UTC" timezone? Akira Takahashi (2020-01-06 07:28:10)

operator== (strong_order, strong_order) missing from p0768 Wesley Shillingford (2020-01-04 14:45:51)

Last message date: 2020-01-31 15:07:17