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SG7 meeting now Hana Dusíková (2022-02-23 15:56:52)

Status of P1306 - Expansion Statements Jonathan O'Connor (2022-02-21 17:42:01)

UDL and operators reflection syntax Cleiton Santoia (2022-02-21 01:20:44)

ACTION REQUIRED: Select date for continuation of discussion about P1240R2 Hana Dusíková (2022-02-02 17:38:07)

reminder: SG7 Meeting P1240R2 on February 2th at 16:00 UTC Hana Dusíková (2022-02-02 13:35:26)

Scalable reflection - naming Matus Chochlik (2022-02-01 08:54:14)

Scalable reflection - questions / comments Matus Chochlik (2022-02-01 06:24:13)

Re: Update: P1240R2 — Scalable Reflection - Clarifications David Rector (2022-02-01 00:47:12)

Re: Update: P1240R2 — Scalable Reflection - Typos Matus Chochlik (2022-02-01 05:39:35)

Re: Update: P1240R2 — Scalable Reflection Jonathan O'Connor (2022-01-30 12:55:26)

Last message date: 2022-02-26 19:28:21