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[isocpp-sg15] State of the modules today

From: James <james.business.84_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 02:09:29 +0300

I hope you’re doing well. I have a few questions about the current state of
C++ modules and thought you might be able to help. I'm new around here and
not sure if this is the correct channel to ask, but I appreciate any
guidance you can provide.

I’m having a hard time finding good information on how modules are used
today, especially in cross-platform and cross-compiler setups. One
particular thing I’m puzzled by is the lack of a standard file extension
accepted by the major compilers. Additionally, do we have an estimate on
when modules will be supported well enough for everyone to adopt them?

Could you share any insights or point me to resources on using modules?
Specifically, I’m interested in working with modules without pre-built

Thanks a lot for your time!

Received on 2024-06-19 23:09:43