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Re: [isocpp-sg15] State of the modules today

From: Daniela Engert <dani_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 16:46:24 +0200
Am 20.06.2024 um 01:09 schrieb James via SG15:
> I’m having a hard time finding good information on how modules are
> used today, especially in cross-platform and cross-compiler setups.
> One particular thing I’m puzzled by is the lack of a standard file
> extension accepted by the major compilers. Additionally, do we have an
> estimate on when modules will be supported well enough for everyone to
> adopt them?
> Could you share any insights or point me to resources on using
> modules? Specifically, I’m interested in working with modules without
> pre-built libraries.
There are tons of material out:

  * blog posts
  * presentations
  * videos

from a couple of the SG15 members. It should be easy to find.


Received on 2024-06-24 14:46:27