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Re: Agenda for the 2023-07-12 SG16 telecon

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 13:59:05 -0400
Since I have yet to publish minutes from our last meeting, here are the
raw notes I took for our previous discussion of P2845R0.

- P2845R0: Formatting of std::filesystem::path
   - Victor summarized the history and prior challenges:
     - P1836 did not handle non-printable characters.
     - P1836 specified to use the native() member of
std::filesystem::path which might include transcoding.
     - This paper proposes a formatter that does proper transcoding and
substitutes escapes for non-printable characters and ill-formed code units.
   - Victor noticed a missing doublequote in the example in section 3,
   - Victor: There is a R1 revision that fixes some minor issues.
   - Corentin: Would backslash path delimiters on Windows be escaped?
   - Victor: Yes, that is what quoted() does.
   - Victor: That is kind of weird, but consistent.
   - Victor: We could provide a specifier to choose alternate behavior.
   - Corentin: What about "{:?}"
   - Victor: The escaped format is proposed as the default behavior.
   - Charlie: For escaping, we need some lattitude to choose an
alternate escape character since backslash in paths has an important
   - Charlie: That would make things inconsistent between platforms and
use of a different escape would be weird.
   - PBrett: How about a specifier to choose a different escape character?
   - Victor: That would be cumbersome; other options are possible
including transformation.
   - Victor: For the user, I think it is good to have an escaped and
non-escaped variant.
   - Tom: Use cases; text, preserved, punycode, use in shell scripts,
etc... Most transformations should be done outside of formatting.
   - Tom: Do we want more than one format?
   - Corentin: I think the default behavior should just escape Unicode
stuff, use the debug formatting for other stuff.
   - Victor: Quoting is useful, but not always needed.
   - Tom: A specifier could be added to quote if needed.
   - PBrett: There are several applications:
     - I need to exactly preserve the filename; serialize the code units.
     - I need the user to be able to read the filename in an inteligent way.
   - PBrett: I don't think the paper is clearly defining the problem it
wants to solve.
   - PBrett: In glib, you can clearly get the display name as valid
UTF-8, or you can get a byte array.
   - Victor: The goal is to fix the issues in the previous P1636 paper.
   - Victor: We can address additional use cases if needed.
   - Zach: Python does what this paper is proposing; Windows path
separators are doubled.
   - Zach: In Python, if you want it printed unformatted, you print it
as a string and we can do likewise.
   - Zach: I think some kind of escaping is needed and quoting works for
   - See Corentin's email with the CE link that demonstrates Python
   - Jens: Due to the quirks in std::filesystem::path, I think this
paper should cover the motivation and design space and not just fix
issues with P1636.
   - Jens: The paper should discuss, for example, the implication of
backslashes added to paths as part of escaping.
   - PBrett: Agreed, the paper should expand on these details.
   - PBrett: We haven't discussed encoding issues yet; this will need
another review.


On 7/10/23 6:28 PM, Tom Honermann via SG16 wrote:
> SG16 will hold a telecon on Wednesday, July 12th, at 19:30 UTC
> (timezone conversion
> <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230712T193000&p1=1440&p2=tz_pt&p3=tz_mt&p4=tz_ct&p5=tz_et&p6=tz_cest>).
> The agenda follows.
> * P1030R5: std::filesystem::path_view <https://wg21.link/p1030r5>
> o Discuss what to do in lieu of overloads with std::locale
> parameters.
> * P2845R0: Formatting of std::filesystem::path
> <https://wg21.link/p2845r0>
> o Continue review.
> * LWG 3944: Formatters converting sequences of char to sequences of
> wchar_t <https://wg21.link/lwg3944>
> o Initial review.
> SG16 has discussed P1030 on several occasions including the 2018-05-30
> telecon
> <https://github.com/sg16-unicode/sg16-meetings/blob/master/README-2018.md#may-30th-2018>,
> in Cologne
> <https://wiki.edg.com/bin/view/Wg21cologne2019/SG16P1030R2>, and in
> Belfast <https://wiki.edg.com/bin/view/Wg21belfast/SG16P1030R3>. Niall
> recently requested <https://lists.isocpp.org/sg16/2023/06/3887.php>
> additional SG16 review following LEWG's request to remove overloads
> with a std::locale parameter that were added in P1030R4
> <https://wg21.link/p1030r4> (which SG16 has not reviewed) during
> LEWG's review of P1030R5 in Varna
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNVW8yueHEmt_ME0Zeov4hZAsOu6fJh72rIL-OQ-VTU/edit#heading=h.3p10iohmm37x>.
> The minutes are not perfectly clear, but it appears that at least one
> of the concerns is the presence of std::locale parameters on functions
> declared with constexpr; which doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm sure
> Niall, Victor, or Zach can provide more details; they were all in
> attendance. Our discussion goal will be determine if there is strong
> motivation to argue in favor of preserving support for std::locale
> (with any necessary ancillary changes), or whether we agree with LEWG,
> or whether there is an alternative solution we would prefer to promote.
> We discussed P2845R0 at our 2023-06-07 telecon
> <https://github.com/sg16-unicode/sg16-meetings#june-7th-2023> (which I
> have yet to publish a meeting summary for; I'm sorry; I'm working on
> it; that link will work eventually). We did not finish that discussion
> or poll any aspects of the paper, so we'll continue our review with
> this meeting.
> If time permits, we'll start discussing LWG 3944
> <https://wg21.link/lwg3944>. The issue concerns handling of ranges of
> type char when formatting for wchar_t.
> Tom.

Received on 2023-07-12 17:59:08