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Agenda for the 2023-07-12 SG16 telecon

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 18:28:07 -0400
SG16 will hold a telecon on Wednesday, July 12th, at 19:30 UTC (timezone

The agenda follows.

  * P1030R5: std::filesystem::path_view <https://wg21.link/p1030r5>
      o Discuss what to do in lieu of overloads with std::locale parameters.
  * P2845R0: Formatting of std::filesystem::path <https://wg21.link/p2845r0>
      o Continue review.
  * LWG 3944: Formatters converting sequences of char to sequences of
    wchar_t <https://wg21.link/lwg3944>
      o Initial review.

SG16 has discussed P1030 on several occasions including the 2018-05-30
in Cologne <https://wiki.edg.com/bin/view/Wg21cologne2019/SG16P1030R2>,
and in Belfast <https://wiki.edg.com/bin/view/Wg21belfast/SG16P1030R3>.
Niall recently requested
<https://lists.isocpp.org/sg16/2023/06/3887.php> additional SG16 review
following LEWG's request to remove overloads with a std::locale
parameter that were added in P1030R4 <https://wg21.link/p1030r4> (which
SG16 has not reviewed) during LEWG's review of P1030R5 in Varna
The minutes are not perfectly clear, but it appears that at least one of
the concerns is the presence of std::locale parameters on functions
declared with constexpr; which doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm sure
Niall, Victor, or Zach can provide more details; they were all in
attendance. Our discussion goal will be determine if there is strong
motivation to argue in favor of preserving support for std::locale (with
any necessary ancillary changes), or whether we agree with LEWG, or
whether there is an alternative solution we would prefer to promote.

We discussed P2845R0 at our 2023-06-07 telecon
<https://github.com/sg16-unicode/sg16-meetings#june-7th-2023> (which I
have yet to publish a meeting summary for; I'm sorry; I'm working on it;
that link will work eventually). We did not finish that discussion or
poll any aspects of the paper, so we'll continue our review with this

If time permits, we'll start discussing LWG 3944
<https://wg21.link/lwg3944>. The issue concerns handling of ranges of
type char when formatting for wchar_t.


Received on 2023-07-10 22:28:09