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[SG16-Unicode] [isocpp-core] Fwd: New Core Issue: [lex.name]/3.2 under-specifies "uppercase letter"

[SG16-Unicode] Additional feedback on P1879R0 - The u8 string literal prefix does not do what you think it does

[SG16-Unicode] Comments on D1629R1 Standard Text Encoding

[SG16-Unicode] Fwd: New Core Issue: [lex.name]/3.2 under-specifies "uppercase letter"

[SG16-Unicode] NL 029 : Disallow zero-width and control characters

[SG16-Unicode] P1030 path_view

[SG16-Unicode] P1859R0: Standard terminology for execution character set encodings

[SG16-Unicode] SG16 meeting summary for October 9th, 2019

[SG16-Unicode] subscribing to the mailing without being a TIES member

[SG16-Unicode] Unicode streams

[SG16-Unicode] WG21 SG16 (Unicode) teleconference

Last message date: 2019-10-29 11:20:48