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Re: D2977R1: Build database files

From: Ben Boeckel <ben.boeckel_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:43:32 -0400
On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 13:49:03 +0100, Jonathan Wakely via SG15 wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 13:24, Harald Achitz via SG15 <sg15_at_[hidden]>
> wrote:
> > The link is now a 404,
> >
> > is there a paper about this topic?
> >
> It's no longer a draft, replace the D with a P.
> https://isocpp.org/files/papers/P2977R1.html

D paper links expire once published? I can understand that they can
change if republished, but we should bump the revision after discussion.
FWIW, this P paper is equivalent to the D paper with the metadata
updated. How many historical minutes refer to now-dead links with no way
to know if the corresponding P paper with the same revision is what was


Received on 2024-04-12 16:43:38