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Re: [SG15] RFC: Requirements to consume a prebuilt library from arbitrary build systems

From: Boris Kolpackov <boris_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 13:02:57 +0200
Matthew Woehlke via SG15 <sg15_at_[hidden]> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021, 22:32 Boris Kolpackov wrote:
> > A build system that wants to support system-installed libraries on Linux
> > will need to support pkg-config. This means that if this effort results in
> > a new format (which I believe where this is heading), such a build system
> > will now need to support both pkg-config and this new format.
> People, presumably involved in pkg-config, keep saying that, but it seems no
> one wants to do the work. I'm still waiting to see something using
> pkg-config that satisfies even CMake's more basic requirements without
> jumping through hoops.

To clarify, I am not suggesting changing pkg-config's core cflag/libs
functionality -- that works reasonably well for today's C/C++ libraries
and there will be (understandable) resistance to change any of that due
to backwards-compatibility.

However, the pkg-config format allows arbitrary NAME=VALUE variables.
So I suggest that we consider defining a set of variable that convey
additional information. We've tried that for C++20 modules in build2
and it worked pretty well. Here is an example:

cxx_modules = \
  hello..check=/usr/include/libhello/check.mxx \

cxx_importable_headers = \
  /usr/include/libhello/check.hxx \

One advantage of going this "incremental" route is that libraries
that provide dual module/header interface would still be consumable
via the core functionality by build systems that don't know anything
about modules or these extensions.

> Hint: *full path to libraries*.


Received on 2021-10-30 06:03:07