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Re: [SG15] D1864: Defining Target Tuplets

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 11:08:04 -0400
I think this is a useful endeavor and I agree with the direction.

My only question is why there is a specification for the encoding of the
target tuplet at all. I would expect that we instead specify the
allowable characters, perhaps deferring to Unicode UAX#31
(https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/tr31-31.html). Assuming that the
basic source character set doesn't suffice for this. The target tuplet
appears on command lines and we don't control that environment.


On 9/9/19 8:23 AM, Isabella Muerte via SG15 wrote:
> Hello all,
> As today is the cut off for papers for CppCon, I've written one small
> brief one I'd like to have discussed regarding "target tuplets". I
> know we've been on a modules kick recently, but this is tooling
> related, and I would argue deserves some time. I've attached a copy
> and (following discussion) a P version will be mailed for Belfast.
> Izzy
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Received on 2019-09-09 10:10:12