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[wg14/wg21 liaison] SG22 discussion on two proposed syntax options for WG21 Contracts

From: Nina Dinka Ranns <dinka.ranns_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:17:03 +0100
Hi all,

WG21 is hoping to have a decision on the syntax for C++ Contracts at the
November meeting in Kona. It would be good if they can have official SG22
feedback regarding the two options before that meeting. I've set up a
doodle poll with possible times for such a meeting, please take a moment to
fill in your availability.


Whether you already gave feedback on this mailing list or not, we would
appreciate your participation in the meeting. It allows us to better
reflect the views and opinions of SG22 members (more specifically, those
involved in WG14), and to get a more accurate feeling of what the group

The papers we will discuss are :


Any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,

Received on 2023-10-11 16:17:16