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Re: [std-proposals] std::elide

From: Gašper Ažman <gasper.azman_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 10:24:44 +0100
My "elide", as exists in my codebase:

template <typename F>
struct init_t {
    F f;
    using result_t = decltype(std::move(std::declval<F>())());
    static constexpr bool is_noexcept =
    constexpr operator result_t () &&
            noexcept(is_noexcept) {
        return std::move(f)();
    constexpr result_t operator()() &&
           noexcept(is_noexcept) {
           return std::move(f)();
template <typename F>
init_t(F&&) -> init_t<std::remove_cvref_t<F>>;

This elider interops with any other elider (F) that also declares both
operators, transparently. It's only move-callable to ensure that
there's a visual marker of "consuming" the state at the point of use.
We've been very successful with its use in our codebase.

On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:10 AM Matthew Taylor via Std-Proposals
<std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > Did anyone like my previous idea of having a way of telling the compiler that we want template instantiation to fail?
> At the risk of stating the obvious, the difficulty there is that such an idea is a sledgehammer which could be a major change to template programming; and such an idea needs serious, strong motivation which goes far beyond being a workaround to make a different proposed feature's edge cases work. Particularly as at least a few of the potential use-cases for it can already be achieved in the language as it is now.
> --
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> Std-Proposals_at_[hidden]
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Received on 2024-05-31 09:25:00