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[std-proposals] Request for a Standard LaTeX Template for Proposals

From: trtaab trtaab <tvfvof_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 00:29:30 +0000
Dear ISO C++ Committee,

I hope this message finds you well. As a member of the C++ community interested in contributing to the development of the language, I am writing today to kindly request the provision of a standard LaTeX template for submitting proposals to the committee.

LaTeX is widely recognized for its powerful typesetting capabilities, particularly in technical and scientific domains. Having a standard LaTeX template for proposals would greatly facilitate the process of submitting ideas to the committee by providing a consistent and professional formatting structure.

While I may not have extensive experience in submitting proposals and ideas to the ISO C++ Committee, I firmly believe that a standardized LaTeX template would benefit both proposers and committee members alike. Such a template would ensure that submissions adhere to a unified style, making it easier for committee members to review and evaluate them. Moreover, it would relieve proposers from the burden of creating a custom LaTeX template for each submission, thereby streamlining the process.

The template could encompass sections for the proposal's title, introduction, motivation, technical details, examples, code references, impact on existing standards, and any other pertinent aspects. In addition, it could provide guidelines on formatting, citation styles, and references.

I am confident that a standard LaTeX template for proposals would enhance the clarity and professionalism of the submissions, facilitating the committee's review and discussion of the proposed ideas.

Thank you for considering this request. I genuinely appreciate the efforts made by the ISO C++ Committee to advance the language and foster a collaborative environment for proposal submissions. I eagerly await your response.


Shengdun Wang

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Received on 2023-07-06 00:29:33