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Re: [std-proposals] this return type

From: Jens Maurer <jens.maurer_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 20:50:42 +0200
On 07/04/2023 19.14, Jan Schultke via Std-Proposals wrote:
> For many operator overloads like assignment or pre-increment, as well
> as builder pattern functions, you tend to write:
> return *this;
> What if we could write the following:
> struct T {
> int i;
> this operator++() { ++i; }
> };
> A return type of `this` would result in an implicit return T by
> reference, with qualifiers taken from the function (e.g.
> const-qualified member functions return const T&). This saves one line
> of boilerplate in many places, saves developers from forgetting to
> return *this, and can improve performance.

I can see this is technically feasible, but it adds a little more
special-casing to the language without significantly increasing
the expressiveness (but see below). At this point, I'm not convinced
the effort-vs.-reward ratio is good enough. A potential future
paper should discuss these concerns:

Compilers are pretty good giving a warning when you fall off the end of
a value-returning function.

"this" has pointer type, but the syntax actually wants to describe
by-reference return (i.e. "return *this"). There is a disconnect
in the syntax here.

> Namely it improves performance because it can help with devirtualization:
> x.fun1().fun2().fun3()
> If three virtual member functions return T&, that T& may not be a
> self-reference, so it requires a vtable lookup each time. If the
> member functions return "this", then the dynamic type must stay the
> same and the second and third call can use the same vtable pointer.

I can see that argument (note the redundant vtable loads):


However, using "this return" in this case would introduce
covariant return types, which come with their own thunk
mechanism for pointer adjustments, which may or may not be

Also, I note that the "operator++" use case is one where virtual
functions are discouraged in the code bases I've seen.

Do you have a sample implementation that can demonstrate
actual performance improvements for the generated code?
I wouldn't expect virtual functions to be used pervasively
in hot code paths.


Received on 2023-04-07 18:50:47