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Allow use of constants and types from not-instantiation-ed template Maciej Polanski (2021-12-19 19:35:07)

Attribute: [[nostrict_enum]] Desmond Gold Bongcawel (2021-12-14 12:30:56)

__cpp_lib_integer_comparison_functions Magnus Fromreide (2021-12-14 08:49:10)

inline coroutine generators Phil Endecott (2021-12-09 16:27:52)

std::ranges APIs with Execution Policy JIMMY HU (2021-12-07 04:00:56)

Re: Video Intro to WG21/D2288 C++ Designated Arguments Antoine Viallon (2021-12-14 14:52:58)

Last message date: 2021-12-30 21:11:20