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std::ranges::get Desmond Gold Bongcawel (2021-10-26 02:08:44)

std::is_constexpr_constructible (/ std::is_constexpr) Michael Scire (2021-10-23 07:27:30)

constexpr ternary operator Hui Xie (2021-10-21 12:48:48)

Is there any hope of getting more granular std lib (e.g. chrono is currently huge compile hit even when I need only small part of it) Ivan Matek (2021-10-11 23:35:10)

Two small utility functions - as_signed, as_unsigned Pavel Vazharov (2021-10-09 04:36:18)

Down with "template"! (up with the turbofish) Jean-Baptiste Vallon Hoarau (2021-10-08 19:10:14)

chrono system_clock to_time_t/from_time_t unexpected integer overflow Igor Ingultsov (2021-10-07 12:04:54)

"this->" -> "." alias Phil Bouchard (2021-10-06 16:03:58)

Constructor ambiguity: Uniform initialization vs. initializer lists Gawain Bolton (2021-10-05 12:11:40)

Support move only types for std::ranges::single_view Hui Xie (2021-10-01 07:18:35)

Re: Slim mutexes and locks based on C++20 std::atomic::wait Marko Mäkelä (2021-10-04 07:25:28)

Re: Slim mutexes and locks based on C++20 std::atomic::wait Marko Mäkelä (2021-10-08 19:48:35)

Re: Slim mutexes and locks based on C++20 std::atomic::wait Marko Mäkelä (2021-10-15 07:51:25)

Re: Making C++ easier for new students Phil Bouchard (2021-10-07 13:13:05)

Last message date: 2021-10-26 02:30:40