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Memory safety guarantees

From: Thomas Neumann <tneumann_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 22:02:06 +0200

I would like to improve memory safety in C++, but before writing a real
proposal (and implementing a prototype) I would like to get some
feedback whether you think this is a useful direction.

Basically I would like to integrate a kind of borrow checker into C++
for data types that opt-in to that mechanism. For these types the
compiler enforces the invariant that you can have either one mutable
reference or arbitrary many immutable references to an object.

A straw man example could look like this:

class MyIntVector [[borrowchecker]] {
    void push_back(int element);
    [[borrows]] const_iterator begin() const;

void foo(MyIntVector&);

void bar() {
   MyIntVector v;
   for (int i:v) {
       cerr << i;
       v.push_back(3); // error: the const_iterator borrowed the object
       for (int j:v) {
          // this is ok, we can have arbitrary many readers
    v.push_back(2); // ok now, the lifetime of the iterators has ended

    foo(v); // error, implicit additional reference
    foo(borrow(v)); // ok, we explicit borrow an exclusive reference

This is not fleshed out, of course, there are many issues and corner
cases to consider, in particular in interaction with existing code. My
question is: Would you consider this a useful direction to explore? And
if yes, would someone be interested in discussing potential design
choices (e.g., whether or not the [[borrows]] annotation of begin is
required, etc.)? These all have trade-offs and I would be happy to get
some feedback.



Received on 2021-04-22 15:02:09