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Shouldn't this context be unevaluated?

From: Omer Rosler <omer.rosler_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2021 19:41:06 +0200
When deducing a templated CNTTP inside a deduction guide, shouldn't the
context be unevaluated?

Consider the following snippet:


template<typename T>
constexpr T&& constexpr_declval() { return {};}


template<auto V>
struct nttp_tag {};

template<bool is_type>
struct use_ctad
    template<auto V> requires (!is_type)
    constexpr use_ctad(nttp_tag<V>) {}

template<auto V>
use_ctad(nttp_tag<V>) -> use_ctad<false>;

template<use_ctad t>
struct wrapper
    template<typename Tag>

template<typename Tag>
wrapper(Tag) -> wrapper<use_ctad{constexpr_declval<Tag>()}>;

int main()
    wrapper t{nttp_tag<42>{}};

[Note: gcc complains about a deduction failure, which is probably a
compiler bug (https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=99683), clang
accepts this].

The deduction guide of `wrapper` uses a CTAD to deduce the NTTP, but in
this context there is no need to evaluate `constexpr_declval` (only perform
CTAD) as we only care about the deduction.

So my questions/proposals:

1. Should this context be unevaluated (unless I'm missing something, we
only deduce things and there is no need for evaluation), and we can remove
the definition (not declaration) of `constexpr_declval` and it would still

2. If 1 is yes, shouldn't we make `std::declval` `constexpr` to support
this construct?

Received on 2021-03-20 12:41:23