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Re: What is the difference between "Throws: Nothing." and noexcept(true)

From: Daniel Krügler <daniel.kruegler_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2020 14:43:39 +0200
Am Mi., 15. Juli 2020 um 14:26 Uhr schrieb Peter C++ <peter.cpp_at_[hidden]>:
> Just to make my statement:
> Those functions use their return value to do error reporting. I would be shocked about a design that additionally would throw exceptions.
> And they pretend to be low level.
> Should I file a library issue to make them noexcept. Or is that too much of Design that lewg needs to be involved?

Just start with an LWG issue. If people want that LEWG looks at it, we
can assign the issue to them via the Status field.


- Daniel

Received on 2020-07-15 07:47:08