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Re: [isocpp-sg19] [isocpp-sci] SG19 June 28 AM Central time at St. Louis F2F hybrid meeting

From: Michael Wong <fraggamuffin_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 09:27:28 -0400
Hi all, no problem. I do believe we are 6 hours behind UK being central
time so 1:30 CT does equate to 7:30 UK. Thank you all for joining.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 7:52 AM Oliver Rosten via Sci <sci_at_[hidden]>

> I hope to be there. Just to confirm, is this 19:30 in the UK?
> On Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 14:45, Phil Ratzloff via SG19 <
> sg19_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> OK. I’ll be there.
>> *From:* SG19 <sg19-bounces_at_[hidden]> *On Behalf Of *Michael Wong
>> via SG19
>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 27, 2024 9:29 AM
>> *To:* sg19_at_[hidden]; SG6 numerics <sci_at_[hidden]>
>> *Cc:* Michael Wong <fraggamuffin_at_[hidden]>
>> *Subject:* Re: [isocpp-sg19] SG19 June 28 AM Central time at St. Louis
>> F2F hybrid meeting
>> HI all, it looks like we can only do SG19 on Friday PM due to room
>> restrictions. So i have changed our time now to Friday PM starting at 1:30
>> pm Central time.
>> Topic: SG19 monthly
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 4:51 PM Michael Wong <fraggamuffin_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, this is an SG19 hybrid St. Louis F2F meeting. Michael Wong is
>> inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
>> NOTE that this proposed time (which is favored by the attending authors,
>> and UK/Europe attendance) is contingent on a room being available on Friday
>> AM. We are reusing the room from SG1, and SG1 wiki currently indicates they
>> will finish by Thursday EOD. If they go long, I may have to move this
>> meeting to Friday PM, or find another room that is available (e.g. Plenary
>> room) on Friday AM. Such is unfortunately the reality of hybrid instead of
>> pure virtual meetings.
>> Topic: SG19 monthly
>> Time: 2nd Thursdays 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
>> Every month on the Second Thu,
>> Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
>> https://iso.zoom.us/j/93084591725?pwd=K3QxZjJlcnljaE13ZWU5cTlLNkx0Zz09
>> <https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://iso.zoom.us/j/93084591725?pwd=K3QxZjJlcnljaE13ZWU5cTlLNkx0Zz09___.YzJ1OnNhc2luc3RpdHV0ZTpjOm86MDE0MjhiN2FiNzBiZTA1ZDliNjk5MzRiNzIxNDI0Mzg6NjpiZTRlOjUwZWQyNTdiM2FkZjIwNjU0ZjVlYTMxZjY1ZGQ3OTQyNWUxNTE4Mzc1N2VjNGRmMzUzMmRmMjhjNTgxNzc5NGI6aDpUOk4>
>> Password: 035530
>> Or iPhone one-tap :
>> US: +13017158592,,93084591725# or +13126266799,,93084591725#
>> Or Telephone:
>> Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current
>> location):
>> US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1
>> 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782
>> or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free)
>> Meeting ID: 930 8459 1725
>> Password: 035530
>> International numbers available: https://iso.zoom.us/u/agewu4X97
>> <https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://iso.zoom.us/u/agewu4X97___.YzJ1OnNhc2luc3RpdHV0ZTpjOm86MDE0MjhiN2FiNzBiZTA1ZDliNjk5MzRiNzIxNDI0Mzg6NjowYWU1OjU5NDIzYmY0YzU4MGViZjQ4NDE4NmNmYzA5NDMxM2VhOTg5YjdjYzA2OTI0NzIyYzE0NjAzMDI5N2U5ODAxNmE6aDpUOk4>
>> Or Skype for Business (Lync):
>> https://iso.zoom.us/skype/93084591725
>> <https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://iso.zoom.us/skype/93084591725___.YzJ1OnNhc2luc3RpdHV0ZTpjOm86MDE0MjhiN2FiNzBiZTA1ZDliNjk5MzRiNzIxNDI0Mzg6NjphNmM3OjA2MWFiNDQ3Mzk2MTZmN2I0ZGI1MzVmZWU1ZWYxMzM3Y2I2YmI5YjRhOGYwOWE5YWMzYTMyMjdmNWI3ZjM1NGI6aDpUOk4>
>> The Agenda is on the wiki.
>> https://wiki.edg.com/bin/view/Wg21stlouis2024/SG19
>> <https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://wiki.edg.com/bin/view/Wg21stlouis2024/SG19___.YzJ1OnNhc2luc3RpdHV0ZTpjOm86MDE0MjhiN2FiNzBiZTA1ZDliNjk5MzRiNzIxNDI0Mzg6Njo4MDhkOmE3MWZhNWQ1NThiYTgyYjAyZTVmMGVlZDc1MjI4OGRiNzRkYWRiMmQ5MTI1OTBhYzVmZTYyOGNmNDAwNWVkNTE6aDpUOk4>
>> If you don't have access to the wiki (likely because you are not part of
>> an NB, or have not been to one F2F meeting), here is the current snapshot
>> (which might change and some of the links won't work as they refer to
>> internal wiki):
>> --
>> SG19 mailing list
>> SG19_at_[hidden]
>> https://lists.isocpp.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/sg19
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> Sci mailing list
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> Link to this post: http://lists.isocpp.org/sci/2024/06/0697.php

Received on 2024-06-28 13:27:43