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[isocpp-sg16] Fwd: No SG16 meeting tomorrow 2024-08-28 Alisdair Meredith (2024-08-27 16:26:48)

[isocpp-sg16] No SG16 meeting tomorrow 2024-08-28 Tom Honermann (2024-08-27 15:03:42)

[isocpp-sg16] Invitation: ISO C++ SG16 (Unicode) Telecon Tom Honermann via Standard C++ Foundation (2024-08-27 15:00:54)

[isocpp-sg16] Agenda for the 2024-08-14 SG16 meeting Tom Honermann (2024-08-13 03:39:53)

[isocpp-sg16] About new proposal for adding formatter for fpos 梁家铭 (2024-08-12 11:41:59)

Re: [isocpp-sg16] first draft of wording mandating literal encoding for result of .what() during constant evaluation Tom Honermann (2024-08-13 22:05:53)

Last message date: 2024-08-28 01:21:55